Payment Options - Shropshire Tutor

Your Payment Options

To keep your account in credit with us, we accept the following payment options.


Securely pay by credit or debit card services via our Parent Portal (Tutorcruncher) for all future lessons planned.

We accept all major UK credit cards, plus, your account with us is automatically credited as soon as you hit the pay button 🙂

We will send you an email with a payment link when it’s time to top-up your account.


All orders processed from our website are handled by Paypal, securely and efficiently.

Please note that payment fees will be added to your order of 3.5% to include Paypal handling charges imposed upon us by Paypal.

Standing Order

You can set up a standing order with your bank to pay a month’s equivalent of lessons on a given date each month to keep your account in credit.

Simply set up the standing order with your bank providing them with our account details, and email us to let us know that you have set this up, so we can amend your account.