What is the Parent Portal? - Shropshire Tutor

What is the Parent Portal?

Written by Markus Witcomb

December 18, 2015

The Parent Portal is your one-stop-shop to help you keep track of your child’s lessons and your account balance with us. We have partnered with a company called TutorCruncher to provide an online lesson scheduling and automated billing solution for our customers to help you monitor yours and your child’s account with us.

We have introduced the system due to the increasing number of new customers and to introduce other payment methods to satisfy a broader customer base; it also helps us track where our tutors need to be and (hopefully) reduce our administration time.

The system sends out automated email reminders when your account balance falls below a threshold limit that we set, ensuring that your account balance is kept in credit, and each month it will send out an invoice to summarise what payments have been credited and debited from your account.

We hope the system provides benefit to you and you don’t feel overwhelmed by it. Any queries you have, please do let us know as someone else may be thinking the same, and we can provide a further ‘How to’ video or add a FAQ.